10 Terrifying Social Media Murders

5. Torrie Lynn Emery

Torrie Lynn Emery had been part of a long-lasting feud with Danielle Booth, which had primarily taken place over Facebook. After a particularly heated online argument regarding both being romantically linked with the same man, the two women came face to face at a local McDonald's. Things took a turn for the nasty, as the they began a heated argument at the fast food restaurant. It got even worse after they left the establishment, with Emery and Booth partaking in a high-speed chase, wherein Emery was ramming the back of Booth's vehicle. In the panic, Booth ran a red light and was hit by a truck. Booth was left in a critical condition, while her passenger, Alesha Abernathy was killed in the crash. Emery was sentenced to 18-60 years in prison for second-degree murder.
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