10 Things That Should Appear On The New £1 Coin

2. Winston Churchill

This man had so many titles it was reported that in the end he asked people to just call him Mr Churchill rather than his full name Sir William Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, DL, FRS, RA. His fame originates from having held office as Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War and who is largely responsible for rallying the british troops and raising their morales by delivering iconic and powerful speeches which gave everyone the urge to rebel against the Nazi regime and Nazi troops that were constantly bombarding our soldiers and our lands. His bumbly yet authoritative personality allowed the nation to relate to him as a leader through these dark times and he made sure that Britain was taken seriously, that we would not retreat or back down even when faced with such a terrifying enemy. Why? Needless to say that perhaps without this man's strategies and passion for winning the war Britain wouldn't be what it is today and we'd be in a similar scenario to that of Wolfenstein where Nazi Germany controls the majority of Europe. We owe a lot to him and should recompense his work and efforts by putting him on the new pound coin.
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The Beatles
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Video game addict and beer-loving lunatic. He has a passion for games that actually mean something. UK Football follower and admirer of anything that is graphically pleasing. Also, tea. Follow Me on Twitter! - https://twitter.com/oliverfrenchie