10 Things That Should Appear On The New £1 Coin

10. Sherlock's Deerstalker

The first of our less serious suggestions. Sherlock Holmes, a quintessentially British character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has always had the tendency to wear an iconic piece of clothing. The deerstalker would certainly be a fine addition to the new pound coin as it represents the perfect symmetry that us britons are renowned for adoring, as well as our interesting yet reputedly outdated sense of style. You can just imagine an old Oxford professor, sitting down with a large wooden pipe, a glass of premium scotch and a deerstalker sitting happily on his head. You could also just imagine Benedict Cumberbatch playing the role of Sherlock Holmes, in the popular BBC TV Series, walking through the hordes of paparazzi whilst clutching the cap. Sherlock Holmes is just one of those characters that people associate with Britain, or more specifically the british way of life. Why not? It would be unwise to use Sherlock Holmes' face however as the person incarnating him changes every so often. It would be like trying to pick a particular James Bond or a particular Doctor, personal opinions would clash and let's face it, we all have our favourite Doctor or favourite James Bond and if ours wasn't picked then we would end up rioting over it.
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Video game addict and beer-loving lunatic. He has a passion for games that actually mean something. UK Football follower and admirer of anything that is graphically pleasing. Also, tea. Follow Me on Twitter! - https://twitter.com/oliverfrenchie