10 Things Only A Cat Owner Will Understand

8. Your Laptop Keyboard Makes The Comfiest Seat

Any cat owner will know the highly-amusing but equally annoying adoration your cat has for your laptop; it hums and it is warm - making it the perfect perch for your puss to set up camp. It's also a little attention seeking on your cat's behalf: "Hey dork, look at me! Get off that stupid WhatCulture post about cats and look at me!" What your cat doesn't realise is that you're now sending instant messages like "3q9-gs=dsfn;;;;;;;;;;;" to your friends, and they've adjusted your monitor to full screen mode, just incase you'd suddenly developed a short sightedness in the last five minutes. How considerate.

7. They Can Hear A Tin Of Tuna From Mars

Your cat can be under your bed, inside a box, underneath a bin-bag full of clothes; but as soon as that tin opener bursts the seal on that tin of tuna - BAM! - they suddenly materialise from thin air. The slight scratch of a fork on the aluminium tin and they are putty in your hands, and it's great isn't it? Power is all yours, in the form of fish and brine. Suddenly they'll become passionate, adoring companions, rubbing your legs and meowing you the song of their people. Oh, the glory, the sweet harmonious bond between human and cat, brought together by one tin. Until, that is, you scrape it in their bowl, and they eat it and go back under the bed. Sycophants.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell