10 Things Only A Cat Owner Will Understand

6. There Is Never A Box Your Cat Cannot Make Into It's Fortress

You've spent hundreds of pounds on a multi-platformed playpen come five-star castle for your cat. It stands proudly with a foot-long scratch post; an army of squeaky mice and feathers hanging from its turrets. What does your cat do? Sits in the cardboard box it came in, of course.

5. The Exorcist Furball Vomit

That horrifying moment you hear "hack...haccckk...hackkkk" and immediately assume your cat is going to die. No matter how many times they cough up these fur balls, if you're a crazed cat owner you will freak out every time it happens: awaiting the moment their head is going to do a 360 as they roar out the curses of Lucifer inside them.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell