10 Things Only A Cat Owner Will Understand

4. You Take It Personally When They Reject Your Advances To Pet Them

It's the cat-equivalent to hugging someone and them not hugging back. It's horrible. It hurts. That face as they sharply pull away with eyes full of thunder. The expression that makes you feel like a damn fool. You definitely don't let anyone see how disappointed you are when this happens, after all, the cat DEFINITELY loves you best - but deep down it's tearing you up inside. We know them feels.

3. Your Carrier Bags Will Forever Be Protected

Any foreign objects brought into your house will be inspected by your puss. Groceries, presents, new shoes...this is a new addition to your master's home and must be judged before it can be approved. One particularly favoured item is the carrier bag; put one on the floor and they're practically obligated to protect it. They can't resist it - they must lay over that carrier with all their furry might - so you can rest assured you carrier bags are in safe paws.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell