10 Things Only A Cat Owner Will Understand

2. The Creepy Wake Up Call

Your cat can be the quietest soul all day, but as soon as you start locking the house up and heading to bed, they suddenly think they're Enya. That's okay, Kitty, we don't need to sleep that much. No worries though, there's no way you'll sleep through your alarm clock, because they're there at the break of dawn, weirdly tapping your nose with the pads of their paw, almost like their daring themselves to do it. Your bed is no longer your own with a cat. The nose tap sometimes follows with a free massage - amazing, huh? Your cat loves to knead your chest to bring you into a peaceful consciousness, and then suddenly, HELLO CLAWS. You are now awake. Feed me.

1. When They're Happy To See You, So Is Their Butt

Don't be disheartened when your cat turns their butt on you, it actually means they love you! And what is better than a cat's love? Nothing. When your cat shoves its button in your face as you're trying to eat your delicious lunch, they're just showing they trust and love you by putting themselves in a vulnerable position. Bum-sniffing is a cat's equivalent of a hand shake, or a hug. They communicate by scent, so they're also trying to tell you what they've been up to all day. How...adorable. Would you like some cat butt with that?
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell