10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

2. Some People Will Be Careless And Hurtful €

€˜There are countries at war with each other, children starving and you€™re just moaning about being sad. Be happier, you have nothing to be upset about.€ Sound familiar? The stigma behind not just depression, but mental health needs to be challenged as far too many brush it off as unimportant, and all it takes for someone to get better is to €˜try harder€™ and €˜smile more€™. Depression is a complex medical disorder, and it takes so much more than a stiff upper lip to get past it. Then there are morons like Gene Simmons who says people who are depressed, or with any mental illness for that matter, should just save us all the hassle and kill themselves €“ exactly the sort of message that should be heard. While the Daily Mail occasionally enjoys throwing a good €˜deal with it€™ or €˜depression is the new black€™ article every so often, it is really important for those who know people suffering that it isn€™t something you can just snap out of. Not only are these sorts of comments outrageously wrong, but they can cause a huge amount of harm. Stephen Fry, a man very open about his struggles with his bi-polar disorder, is often on the receiving end of these narrow minded comments, after all, he€™s rich, successful and loved by millions €“ what does he have to be miserable about? Telling someone they have no reason to be sad because someone is worse off is the equivalent of telling someone they have no right to be happy because there is someone better off. Remember, hard times will always reveal your true friends.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.