10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

3. It Doesn€™t Make You Weak

Despite what a small (yet always vocal) minority will make you believe, depression is a disease, not a choice, and in no uncertain terms does it make you weak, and it certainly isn€™t a case of €˜only the strongest survive€™. You wouldn€™t tell someone with cancer or diabetes they€™re just being weak and need to get over it, in fact you wouldn€™t dream of doing such a thing, so why is it okay to say that to someone who is depressed? Very few take depression as seriously as a doctor. In some cases you need counselling, in others you need medication, and that€™s okay €“ this isn€™t something you can just get over, and seeking help is not an admittance of defeat, it takes strength to want to fight for yourself. So many find it hard to open up to friends and family about their depression, the stigma that follows the topic on mental health can make for an uncomfortable conversation with others and not to mention the fear of being judged for something you can€™t control. One of the strongest things we've witness people do is be honest and open about their depression €“ that takes courage on so many levels.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.