10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

5. Sleeping Pattern Isn€™t Any Better

Your sleep schedule just goes kaput; one of the defining symptoms of depression is being unable to sleep, there is nothing more complicated than our relationship with sleep when you€™re depressed. Insomnia is a horrid part of depression, and there can be countless nights you lie awake in your bed, tossing and turning and trying desperately to force yourself to fall asleep while your mind is in overdrive, dwelling on situations and feelings you have no control over. When you finally manage to drift off, it€™s never for a long period of time, your sleep is restless and that €˜well rested€™ feeling everyone raves about becomes nothing, but a distant memory. Then, like with food there€™s the other side of the coin as some will struggle just to keep their eyes open. You spend all day in bed, constantly tired and end up maybe hitting 12 hours of sleep when you don€™t have anywhere to go, because getting out of bed is too trivial, and when you€™re feeling that down you just lose the energy to try. There is a definite link between a poor and scattered sleeping pattern and depression, and it€™s one of the first warning signs that something is not right.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.