10 Things Nobody Tells You About Depression

4. You Celebrate The Little Things € And That€™s Okay!

One thing you€™re never prepared for is how overwhelming the smallest of tasks become. As mentioned earlier, sometimes getting out of bed and forcing yourself to face the day or even go out for a walk is a challenge. It is so hard to continue fighting, but when you muster up the courage and force yourself to open the door, whatever hits your face whether it€™s the sun€™s warmth or the freezing rain, it wakes that little part of you that you thought was lost. Everyone always tells you there€™s light at the end of the tunnel; the problem with depression is the ones suffering can€™t see a glimmer of sunlight through the pitch-blackness. No matter how small the task may be, it gives you a glimpse of the light everyone keeps telling you is right around the corner. It could be as simple as cooking yourself a nice dinner or completing a level on your favourite video game €“ whatever it is, let it become the chip on your shoulder you deserve. Trying to re-enter society and rejoin your circle of friends on a regular basis after being depressed is difficult, it can€™t be done in one big step and that€™s why you have to celebrate the little things.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.