10 Things Only Apple Genius Bar Employees Will Understand

7. Why The Hell Didn't You Back-Up Your Phone Or Computer?

Ok, so you've finally got your appointment with the genius and it's bad news, your mac is dead and needs a new hard drive. The Genius then asks, 'so do you have a back-up of your things' to which you reply 'no'. This is the moment when the Genius has a very small nuclear explosion inside their head but they just continue to smile at you through their long wavy beard. If you were writing a really important essay, you'd make sure you had saved it and backed it up, right? So WHY wouldn't you do the same with your Mac or your iPhone? Luckily, most iPhones have an internal backing-up system, iCloud, but if you don't have enough storage for the back-up you've got no chance. Apple's Genius Bar employees probably deal with more back-up related issues than any other problems. This is why it says in bold writing when you book an appointment to make sure everything is backed-up. People have this fantastic misconception that Apple owns and is in charge of your personal storage system, but it really isn't. It may give you the tools to do so but it's up to you to make sure you have a comprehensive storage system on your device and Apple's employees are maybe a little too kind to tell you that - but they really wish they could.
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Journalist. Food inhaler. Lover of cats.