10 Things That Are Seriously Messing With Your Zen
8. Never Celebrating Your Achievements
Fact: We want to live the dream, have it all and come out on top. 21st-century living forgives no flaws and, from a young age, we are taught that we need to run with the best. Just being ‘good’ doesn’t cut it.
Which works wonders for our work ethic, but not so much for our lifestyle. Getting to the top is damned hard work. And, what’s worse, we often run the risk of actually getting there and not even noticing, because we are already on the way to the next best thing.
We are always putting ourselves down because we didn’t make it to senior manager/we didn’t manage to lift those 20K dumbells/we didn’t refuse that second helping of pudding.
And we forget to pat ourselves on the backs for making it to managerial level in the first place/showing up regularly at the gym/choosing a healthy salad for mains. Because we can always do better, right?
Moral: While on your way to the top, do take a second or two to admire the view. No, it’s not called resting on your laurels, it’s called being human.