10 Things You Didn't Know About Epcot

2. Norway And Morocco Remain Dark During IllumiNations

Epcot World Showcase Illuminations

As the night time spectacular IllumiNations reflections of Earth begins, the pavilions turn on their lights and the show begins. But there are some areas of World Showcase that remain dark even during the display.

Both Norway and Morocco do not light up like the rest of the pavilions.

In Morocco you will find a replica of the Koutoubia Minaret, a mosque dating back to the 12th century. As it would would be disrespectful to decorate a religious building it was decided not to light the pavilion.

There are similar stories with regards to why the Norway pavilion remains dark as it too has a religious building with the Stave Church.

Other rumours suggest the reason why these pavilions remain dark is because they were added later and Disney never added the lights required.

Whatever the truth is, next time you stay to watch Illuminations keep an eye on Norway and Morocco.

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