10 Times Brad Pitt Made Your Bottom Lip Quiver

5. When He Became A Respected Actor (But Still Remained A Heartthrob)

Ignoring the obviousness of Brad€™s good looks is like stepping into a boxing ring, putting your hands down and trying to ignore a boxer repeatedly punching you in the teeth. It€™s not going to happen. But credit to William Bradley for doing his utmost to shake off the shackles of his heartthrob younger years. A series of brilliant roles, critically-acclaimed and Oscar-nominated, have projected him into an acting stratosphere he probably never thought he€™d ever have the right to be in when he was a fresh-faced squirt. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button is a recognisable highlight; a remarkable piece of acting which surprised many with its versatility and giving us all a delightful insight into what Brad will look like as an old man. Moneyball, of course, was another Oscar worthy performance and Billy Bean€™s head must have inflated to twice the size of an anaphylactic Humpty Dumpty when he learned that Brad was to play him in the movie. Then there€™s his devilish turn as Lt. Aldo Raine in Inglorious Basterds, and his criminally underrated showing in The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. The older Pitt gets, the more accomplished an actor he€™s becoming and his acting peak is just in sight. And you still want to French kiss him in front of everyone you know.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.