10 Times Brad Pitt Made Your Bottom Lip Quiver

4. When He Was Everyone€™s Bit Of Rough In Snatch

More often than not in his films, Pitt can always be relied upon to add a touch of the tasteful about proceedings; a dash of the debonair; a sprinkle of sophistication. So it was a nice about-turn to portray a character that was a polar opposite of that. Pitt purposefully contacted writer/director Guy Ritchie in order to weed out a part in this rough and tumble underworld caper. Of course, having Brad Pitt whispering sweet nothings down the phone to you would turn anyone€™s legs to jelly. So Ritchie, presumably with a fluttering heart and flushed cheeks, created the character of Mickey O€™Neil specifically for Pitt and added it to the script. And it was Brad who formulated the unintelligible dialect in which the character would speak. This was simply because he couldn€™t master the Irish accent so he would wildly slur his words as if he€™d just been punched in the gob. Pitt gave a masterful and hilarious performance, again engaging in his favourite pastime of removing his shirt and limbering up in front of the camera. With ugly tattoos decorating a brutish body and scruffy-looking facial hair, this isn€™t a version of Brad you€™d want to date. You€™d simply want to wrestle with him. And that€™s absolutely fine.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.