10 Tragic Deaths That Happened At Disney Theme Parks

1. A Metal Cleat Came Loose On Sailing Ship Columbia And Killed A Man (Anaheim Disneyland)

One of the most famous rides at Disneyland is the Sailing Ship Columbia, a full-scale replica of the first American ship to traverse the entire globe. Guests at Anaheim are invited to board and sail around the park. Currently under refurbishment, Columbia also has a tragic history; it was the setting for one of the park's most notorious visitor deaths. In 1998, a heavy metal cleat - usually fastened to the hull - came loose from the Sailing Ship Columbia and struck a Disney employee and two guests - Luan Phi Dawson and his wife. Dawson was hit in the head by the cleat, which had torn from the hull due to the fact that the usual hemp rope used to secure it had been replaced with a cheaper nylon version which stretched and caused it to come away from the ship. He died two days later. It was ruled that the staff in charge of the ship had not been trained properly, and Disney were called out for not allowing the proper medical personnel into the park after the accident (which might have helped to save Dawson's life). This particular death was also the first in Disneyland history in which the guest was not blamed or partly blamed. The resulting lawsuit awarded the victim's family the sum of $25,000,000. Like this article? What do you make of these Disney deaths? Do they put you off visiting the park? Let us know all your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.