10 Tragic Deaths That Happened At Disney Theme Parks

5. A Disney Cast Member Died On The Primeval Whirl Ride After Falling From A Platform (Walt Disney World)

This particular incident concerns a Disney Cast Member named Karen Price, an employee of the company who met an untimely fate when she fell and hit her head whilst attending to the Primeval Whirl ride at Walt Disney World in Florida. After the fall, Price sustained serious head injuries and died in hospital five days later. Disney were fined $25,000 for committing five safety violations on account of the incident, one of which was for failure to install a handrail that had been previously reported missing (and something which might have saved Price's life had it been put in place). As a result of the death, Disney announced in 2008 that they would add special sensors to the ride that would prevent it from working if somebody was detected in an area deemed to be "off-limits," thus preventing further incidents of this kind. Despite this addition, another Disney employee, 52-year-old Russell Sherry Roscoe, was also killed whilst working on the Primeval Whirl four years later in 2011 after suffering a similar injury. The ride remains open today.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.