10 Types Of Shopper That Deserve A Solid Kick To The Nether-Regions

4. The Coupon Sultan

Coupon There is nothing villainous about being frugal. My grandmother never saw a squirrel she didn't eat. She used to run about the yard proudly exclaiming, "There's no sense in wasting a hearty meal." I'm not castigating the man or woman who utilises one or two coupons (hell, use three you deserve it!). I'm speaking of the person who comes in with a binder of discounts checking each one for an expiration date trying to save a total of $3.12 on a $215.57 purchase. A Coupon Sultan is usually in their early fifties to late sixties. Lookout for shoppers carrying large binders, folders, or any storage device that could fit an ample amount of coupons. If you get stuck behind a Sultan there is not much you can do but pray to your chosen deity. However, learning to notice the telltale signs of a Sultan can help you prevent disaster.
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Adam Singer is a samurai sent forward in time to take vengeance on the relatives of those who murdered his fellow villagers in 815. Between brutal slayings via sword he writes articles for Whatculture. If you like his stuff you should read more and tell your friends to read more. If you do that maybe you can melt his frozen samurai heart. Follow him on twitter at @AdamSinger6.