10 Ways The Internet Changed Everyday Life

4. We Have (Even Less) Patience With Customer Service

Soko_Yawn_max You're at home browsing the web, when your cable goes out. It's no big deal, at the time - you have to leave for work. You forget to call on your lunch break and when you get home you remember the Internet is out. You call and get placed on hold for half an hour, to finally be told a technician will be out in a couple of days. You go out to eat and end up taking it out on a McDonald's employee for putting onions on your burger. Stay calm. You will get through this. Burn through some data on your phone to help you get through these rough days. From now on, every time you call customer service (for anything) you don't let them push, you keep the heat on them until you get what you want, and often freebies. All because you forgot to unplug your modem for at least 10 minutes before resetting it.

3. We Sit On The Toilet For Far Too Long

toilet I'm just of guilty of this as any of you. My wife sometimes has to pry me off with a crowbar because my skin starts infusing with the toilet. We get so caught up in what's on our phones or laptops that we can't even remember if we actually pooped or if we've just been sitting there - but we always wipe, regardless. Toilet-seating can often be the cause of relationship problems, insomnia, hemorrhoids, and, uh, a red ring around your bottom.
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Dylan likes comedy movies and video games. Neither of which he can enjoy because he's married and has two children.