10 Ways The Internet Changed Everyday Life

2. We're Becoming Thieves

thief michael mann It starts out with music, because who wants to pay .99 per song... then temptation leads us to bad places. And we become swash-buckling-illegal-pirates. Just know the law, and put yourself in the developers shoes. Don't be a thief. But if you have to, do it to Disney.

1. We're Completely Unaware Of Our Surroundings

sonic-derp-600x300 You know those times, you look up and see your loved ones looking at you with awaiting an answer, and you have to either think of what they said, nod your head in agreement, or ask the god-awful question, "What'd you say?" Nobody likes the person that ignores them because they're soul has been sucked away by their cellphone - and nobody thinks they're that person... but we've all done it at one point. So this is what the Internet has turned us into: two-faced, lying-thieving-selfish people. There is little hope for the future, unless everything is running on Windows 8... that way we're not on our electronics as much. If I've missed anything, feel free to post in the comments.
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Dylan likes comedy movies and video games. Neither of which he can enjoy because he's married and has two children.