10 Ways To Dispose Of A Dead Body (If You Really Needed To)

3. Feed The Pigs

Wood chipper fargo

You know the expression "greedy as a pig"? That didn't come about by accident, pigs will eat literally almost anything.

There have been enough stories of people being partially eaten by their pigs when they're alive and fighting, let alone dead and in bitesize chunks. One wrong move in a pig pen and they'll be gnawing on a calf muscle before you can get back to your feet.

If you're going to go down the pig route, you will need at least 15-20 pigs to finish of a whole body.

Pigs' teeth will slide through human bone like a hot knife through butter, but you will need to help them out a little bit by shaving off the hair and removing the teeth first, as their digestion can't quite handle those (wouldn't want the poor piggies getting sick now, would we?)

Of course, then you have to figure out what to do with the teeth and hair (fashionable necklace anyone?), but at least most of your problems have been solved by the pigs.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.