10 Weirdest Celebrity Lawsuits

6. Elizabeth Taylor€™s Gardener VS. Elizabeth Taylor

In 2003, Willem Van Muyden, gardener to Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor filed a lawsuit for unfair dismissal and emotional distress. The gardener claimed that the aging actress would regularly force her homosexual butler to perform sexual favours for her, which according to court papers he referred to as having to "jump the old trampoline." One day, needing a little help getting himself started, the butler allegedly made an advance on Van Muyden and when the gardener rudely declined to help, his contract was terminated. Taylor€™s lawyers claimed that the entire case was a work of complete fiction, and that he was fired because he kept hiring illegal immigrants. The suit was settled out of court.

Created in a petri dish in an underground lab, I was originally designed by scientists to carry out high-profile assassinations for the CIA. Unfortunately, something went wrong and my only skill was writing list-based articles. So now I do that instead.