10 Worst Celebrity Undercover Disguises That Fooled Nobody

3. Eminem

Never one with a penchant for subtlety, Eminem's past attempt at going unnoticed was to adopt a luchador wrestling mask, in a similar vein to what it must like when WWE's Rey Mysterio has a night on the town. Whilst it's hard to tell whether or not he was trying to go unnoticed or otherwise, travelling with an entourage of bodyguards will always do the latter. Eminem seems incapable to give up the life of fame that his early career gave him, bouncing back and forth out of public scrutiny, with varying levels of appreciation levied his way because of it. When you factor in all the extra bling and the fact that he still stuck a cap on top of the mask, and with such a zany look overall, who else was it going to be?
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