11 Ancient Apocalyptic Myths

8. Jewish 'End Of Days'

1280px Leshan Buddha Statue View
By Pete unseth [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

Judaism states that when the world ends, God will bring the Jews back to Israel and restore the House of David and Temple of Jerusalem. The Messiah will then appear in order to help people move into an age full of peace and enlightenment. He will be descended from the line of King David and rule the people of Israel.

Everyone will recognize their God as the one true God, who will then return all the dead's souls to their bodies and awaken them. A new heaven and earth will be created, and history will be complete once all people return to the Garden of Eden.

This is much less destructive than a lot of other apocalyptic predictions and doesn't involve the world falling apart due to disasters, yet it is referred to as the 'end of days'.

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