11 Terrifying Disney World Incidents 

4. The Pirates Of The Caribbean Incident

Disney Installs Alligator Warning Signs In Aftermath Of Toddler Death At One Of Its Resorts
Walt Disney World

You know all those warnings that state: keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times? Yeah, they're there for a reason.

On July 10th 2014, a ten year old boy from the United Kingdom suffered the consequences of not heeding such a warning. He was on-board the Magic Kingdom's Pirates Of The Caribbean attraction, and lost the tips of his ring and pink fingers on his right hand. Thankfully, though being hospitalised, the accident wasn't fatal.

Despite the fact that the ride was shut down for a safety inspection, no issues were discovered and it was concluded that the incident was caused by the boy's own negligence.

Though the exact details of how he was injured remain unclear, the ride involves sitting in a boat that travels across a track surrounded by moving animatronics, so it's easy to imagine how touching something outside the attraction might be dangerous.

Moral of the story: heed safety warnings!

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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.