11 Weirdest Beauty Contests Throughout The World

3. Miss Drumsticks

Most people prepare for the holiday season with frantic runs to the grocery store for candy at Halloween, and frozen turkeys at Thanksgiving. Some families like to be on the daring side, and have either ham or even pasta for Thanksgiving, to shake things up. The residents of Yelville, Arkansas celebrate a little differently than the rest of America. Every fall, contestants compete for the prime place of Miss Drumsticks. Contrary to what it might sound like, the contestants do not win by eating the most drumsticks. In fact, these lovely chicks are judged by their legs, and only their legs. The rest of their body is covered by a picture of a turkey, so as to not sway the judges their way. Unfortunately, you can't wear raw turkey on your head, like Phoebe. I'm also guessing you have to have a bit more...finesse. The best pair of legs from ages 16 to 24 receives the top prize. The contest prizes are nothing to shake a tail feather at, either. In the past, the winners have been to Los Angeles to compete in game shows, and have even appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman Show. I don't know about you, but if I were a contestant, I'd gobble that right up.
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