11 Weirdest Beauty Contests Throughout The World

1. Miss Klingon Beauty Pageant

This contest belongs to neither humans nor animals. In fact, you could say it's out of this world. The Miss Klingon Beauty Pageant began in 1999 and has gone on strong since. The extra-terrestrial ladies are judged upon beauty, talent, and personality. The cosplayers can display any type of talent, alien or not, as long as it does not harm themselves or the audience, within the time frame of five minutes. Alien powers can get in the way of the train of your dress, you know. Of course, the beauty of one's rather full forehead is a plus. Additional creases show comeliness and grace, too. However, contestants costumes, grace, and realistic nature of their modelling performance, be it their own invention or one from the actual Star Trek show, are also taken into great account. The contestant's creative appearance can either be from an actual character of any of the Star Trek shows, or it can be an original creation. This allows for a greater spectrum of performance and creativity for the speech and personality portion. Bountiful prizes come to a sum of more than $600; including gorgeous flowers, a lovely banner accrued with the appropriate Klingon colours, an impressive and stately trophy and of course, what every beauty contest winner deserves, a beautiful tiara. Sign me up, Scotty.
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