12 Haunting Slash Fictions That Will Ruin Your Childhood

2. Two Doctors, One TARDIS

As an ageless Time Lord who's encountered countless planets, species, and customs, the Doctor has seen enough sights, lived enough lives, and experienced enough wonders to fill a space-library of books. And you have to respect the guy: he's clearly been around the block a few times. If it wasn't for him, Elizabeth I might actually deserve to be called "the virgin queen." But, as would happen to pretty much anyone with immortality and a time machine, curiosity eventually gets the better of him. "When Watching Becomes Touching" sees a morally questionable Eleventh Doctor travelling to the twenty-first century London, where he accidentally bumps into his Tenth incarnation. For those of you unfamiliar with Doctor Who, imagine if you went back in time, found a younger version of yourself, and... Yeah. It's the oldest question in time travel. Most would argue that having a temporal love affair with yourself amounts to nothing more than an impossibly elaborate act of masturbation, but when you add in the fact that the Tenth Doctor doesn't even recognize his future self (he's a time-traveling alien who can change his face because, well, Britain), then the time-crossed love affair raises questions best left unspoken and unanswered.

I am not creative enough to make up a fake biography.