12 Iconic Characters Utterly Ruined By Terrible Commercials

2. Robocop Loves Fried Chicken

In fairness it€™s hard to tell whether or not having Robocop emerge from the TV into some Japanese family€™s home to hypnotically lust after fried chicken is detrimental to his character, or whether it actually makes him even cooler. The sheer randomness of this commercial is what€™s striking. The inclusion of Robocop acting as one of those creepy dead girls from the ring because he just can€™t contain his enthusiasm for fried dead bird, doesn€™t exactly resonate with the image of a half human justice dispensing machine that was presented to ecstatic audiences in 1987. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pOoSe2K5DU Although if you really think about it, the atrocious sequels absolutely wrecked Robocop long ago. And quite frankly, this commercial is infinitely more entertaining and enjoyable than the snooze fest that was last year€™s sanitised remake. So actually, let€™s give this one a pass.
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