12 Most Controversial Joe Rogan Experience Guests

1. Maajid Nawaz

British radio presenter, Maajid Nawaz, features prominently on LBC and has been a Governmental advisor on the topic of extremism for David Cameron and George W Bush.

Formerly a member of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, an Islamist group which had the goal of achieving a worldwide caliphate through non-terrorist methods, Nawaz was imprisoned for four years in 2002 whilst studying in Egypt. Whilst serving his full sentence in Egypt, Amnesty International defended Nawaz as a ‘prisoner of conscience’ and pledged for Nawaz to be returned to the UK.

The defence from Amnesty International altered Nawaz’s world view and was willing to consider alternatives in his approach for a fairer world. After leaving prison in 2006, Maajid had reformed his Islamist beliefs, withdrew from Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and founded Quilliam International, the world’s first counter-extremism organisation.

Appearing on an episode with Sam Harris in 2018, Maajid recounts his time in jail, what led him to join the extremist group and his thoughts on the harsh division between different approaches to tackling extremism in modern society.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.