12 Problems Only Haruki Murakami Fans Will Understand

2. Wanting To Take Up Running (But Being Too Lazy)

Haruki Murakami Running

Haruki Murakami has the uncanny ability to make the most boring, everyday stuff seem extraordinary €“ it's no surprise to find, then, that this talent extends to sports, too.

A keen runner (he has participated in dozens of marathons over the years) Murakami wrote a memoir about his interest in the hobby titled What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.

In typical Murakami fashion, he makes the activity sound like something life changing (as indeed any form of regular exercise is) comparing his writing to a long-distance run, commenting on the need throughout life for stamina and health. Alas, many Murakami fans are simply too lazy to take up running. The idea is nice and all, but most would rather stick to the whiskey and spaghetti making, thank you very much...

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.