13 Most Annoying People On Facebook

10. The Terrible Gamer

Facebook games are a phenomenon and sadly they're absolutely awful. And yet somehow, the likes of Farmville managed to break into the homes of millions of Facebook users, latching on to their psyche like the Brain Slugs of Futurama. Whilst the thought of a friend becoming cripplingly addicted to such a game is sad enough, it's the additional baggage that presents a problem. You see, when someone begins to play games on Facebook, it's rare for them to keep the game to themselves. In severe cases, a person will no longer communicate with any friends or family, instead only contacting those groups in the form of billions of invites to join them in a game of Bin Man Adventureland. There's a moral issue in ignoring their requests, as, with these being their only form of communication, how are we to know that the afflicted is not crying out for help in the only way they know, having forgotten the basic workings of language? It's a conundrum, and one you need Farmville to solve.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.