13 Harsh Truths You Learn When You Live Alone

2. Noises In The Night

Tonight you€™ve actually made it into your own bed. All tucked in and warm. Today didn€™t go how you expected but tomorrow is a new day. A day of opportunity. Of hopes. Of desires. You close your eyes and begin to drift off into dreams of rock stardom and Sylvester Stallone. Then you hear a noise. It€™s not just any noise though. It is definitely the noise of a serial killer breaking in. It is definitely the noise of Jason Voorhees stalking up the stairs. It is definitely Hannibal Lecter warming some olive oil in the pan and discussing recipes with that massive evil spider. Yes, okay, it could just be the water pipes. Or next door. Or simple creak. But, let€™s be honest, it€™s not. It€™s a serial killer hell bent on taking you down. You live by yourself. What do you do? Grab a weapon and investigate? Switch all the lights on to see? Take on the intruder yourself in true Final Girl style? No. You pull the covers over your head and quiver until you forget what you were frightened about. What a hero.
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com