13 People You're Guaranteed To Meet Working In A Call Centre

12. The Perennial Call Centre Employee

With so many call centres, it€™s only natural that this one crops up a lot. They€™ve done the rounds in every call centre in your area. You generally end up sat next to them on the first day of training, a constant whisper in your ear of advice on how call centres work, why this one seems different and ultimately, why this one is exactly the same. They play the role of both angel and devil on your shoulder - good at their job, but forever trying to find new ways to skive. They€™re littered with bad call centre habits, picked up from that one call centre they stayed at too long. They are always a pain for your trainers and your managers (which is so much fun to watch). Ultimately, they flit out of your life as easily as they flitted in, leaving without a trace like a cowboy, a lone gun, rolling out of town having caused mayhem on the way through Dodge.
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Stand-up comedian, writer, sarcastic scoundrel and a bit of a scallywag. Lover of many geeky pursuits and owner of extensively eclectic tastes in music, film and literature.