14 Problems Only Runners Will Understand

8. Telling Everyone You Feel Great

There€™s perhaps nothing worse than during a run, a friend passes by you but decides to slow down (yeah, thanks for €˜slowing down€™ for me) and have a chat. They look lean. They look attractive. They€™re not sweating, they€™re €˜glowing€™ and, to make matters worse, they€™re not even breathing heavy. Then they ask the inevitable question. €˜How do you feel?€™ Before answering, you pick up your pace slightly. You straighten your back. You slow your breathing down to something less than the pant of a dehydrated dog in the summertime and you look across at them, replying with a wink, €˜Me? I feel great. Just keeping a bit back for a strong finish€™. Your friend nods, gives you a patronising pat on the shoulder and runs off, content with your reply as your shoulders sag, your stagger to a far slower pace and that taste of sick appears in your mouth again. Of course, what you really wanted to say was, €˜Oh go **** yourself you **** **** **** **** and take your ******** **** **** with you.€™ Runners. We€™re too polite sometimes.
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com