15 Awesome Ways To Epically Resign Your Call Centre Job

5. Stand And Deliver

You have a college degree, you have plans for the future, and you are so sick of bad policy holding you to the same standards of even the lowest loser on the floor. Seriously, is it just us people writing on the Internet, or do most private sector call centres run like a government non-profit? These companies, for whatever reason, seem to be endlessly plagued with bad policy stimulating from bureaucratic laziness and the obvious fact that no one wants to be there. You know your life is being wasted when you work your guts out to meet company expectations only to be written up at the end of the month for some pitifully miniscule nonsense. It's time to take some extra initiative and schedule yourself for an early exit interview. Stand and deliver, in front of everyone, exactly how you feel about the company. Wave your arms, pound your fists, tear your headset in half, and then head for nearest exit as quickly as possible.

4. Ambush The Next Office Thing

Ah, the good old office cookout: a fun time with the gang or an intense showdown waiting to happen? There's a thin line, which will quickly become grayed, when you show up dressed like The Man With No Name meaning business. Walk up real slow, not saying a word, everyone starring. You throw a dusty poncho over a shoulder and stare down the confused boss who's now letting the burgers burn on the grill. You imagine an epic Ennio Morricone track playing in the background right up to the point where you both draw. The boss pulls out the tongs for flipping the hotdogs, but he's not quick enough for your two weeks notice.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation