15 Idiotic Laws That Only Exist In America

6. It Is Illegal To Play Catch In Any City Street (Dublin, Georgia)

'Catch', the age-old street game where all you need to momentarily repress boredom is something to lob and catch in equal measure. Two children innocently throwing a ball back and forth in one of the world's most simplistic, yet deceptively fun games cannot be upsetting anyone, surely. Unless Edward scissor hands is the law-maker here, the person behind the great Dublin catch ban should never be excused. Playing catch with scissors for hands, after all, would be really quite disheartening. Poor Edward. The real reason that catch might have been banned is the damaging of public property, in which case, Dublin should have got better PE teachers and taught their darn kids to throw and catch properly. If you know the one golden rule of catch, 'never take your eye off of the ball', then you really can't go too far wrong.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.