15 Idiotic Laws That Only Exist In America

3. By Law, Anyone Who Has Been Drinking Is 'Sober' Until They Can No Longer 'Hold Onto The Ground' (Kentucky)

OK, this one is ridiculous but let's get it right - it's also absolutely brilliant. Just how pissed must the people of Kentucky be practically all of the time? "You can't tell me I'm drunk, I'm still holding onto the floor!" Heavy nights out would find a whole new level. With the binge-drinking culture of Great Britain, it's probably best that David Cameron refrains from introducing a law such as this. What happens when you're not holding onto the floor? Does that translate to being unconscious where you no longer have the strength to use your hands. Kentucky has seen things.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.