15 Idiotic Laws That Only Exist In America

2. It Is Illegal To Sell Sun-Tan Oil Until After Noon On A Sunday (Provincetown, Massachusetts)

Another of those that just doesn't make any sense in the modern era. Maybe the people of Provincetown are still deeply religious and believe that the Sabbath day should be exactly that, a day of rest? It's hardly hard labour though, flogging sun-tan oil, and why would you pick on those guys? The world loves a tan. Its more likely that every Sunday morning Provincetown was getting an influx of greasy sun-tan oil sellers, loitering on the streets and generally just making the place look untidy. The living statue, anyone? The one thing that is certain is that this law is needless. The world would be just as well without it and probably one shade slightly less pale.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.