15 Idiotic Laws That Only Exist In America

8. It Is Illegal To See A UFO (Connecticut)

You can only assume that over the years a serious amount of police time has been wasted by crazies in Connecticut. The most beautiful thing about this comes from the fact that you are not allowed to see a UFO, regardless of whether you report a sighting or not. The people of Connecticut probably have to walk around permanently facing the ground, just in case they look up and spot an object that is, as of yet, unidentified. If an authority figure happens to see a UFO and in their state of shock, desperately asks the nearest civilian, "did you just see that UFO?" Then be aware civilian, this may well be a trap, an elaborate ploy to lure you into a false sense of UFO-related security. As Mad-Eye Moody would say, constant vigilance.
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Recent English graduate and Newcastle United nut. Rom-Com enthusiast, Bob Dylan fan-boy and expert poacher of eggs.