15 Mind-Blowing Cat Facts You Need To Know

5. The Cat Door Was Invented By Isaac Newton


Sir Isaac Newton is recognised as one of the most intellectual minds in history for his work with regards to gravity. However, you never really hear of Newton being the brains behind the cat door, which he invented to prevent cats from scratching their claws against a door to notify their owners of their presence.

A HowStuffWorks article written by Robert Lamb and Tristin Hopper states that Isaac's inventions at the University of Cambridge were constantly interrupted by cats at his door, which led him to acquire the services of the on-site carpenter to drill two holes in the wall. These holes (one large and one small) would allow for a mother cat and her kittens to travel in and out without Isaac being interrupted from his work. Of course, the mother's kittens would simply follow her through the larger hole.

It's said that while the famous scientist never married nor had many friendships, he made time in his life for pets. Some historians claim Newton had no pets at all, whereas others claim he owned a cat named Spithead, who would go on to have a litter of her own. Regardless, Isaac's love of animals was solidified with this 1700 invention.

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