15 Mind-Blowing Cat Facts You Need To Know
13. They Sweat Through Discreet Areas
Hot weather can be an absolute nightmare for cats, and other animals for that matter. Summertime will often be a period of resting for them, as they find a cool place in the house to relax. However, you may notice that even when the sun is beaming right at them, cats fail to break a sweat, even through their thick fur.
Unlike us humans, who have sweat glands placed all over the body, a cat's sweat glands are only placed in discreet areas around their body - paws, lips, chin, and on the skin that surrounds their anus. Nothing says summer quite like a sweaty cat anus, right?
Because of the sweat glands only being in hidden areas of a cat's body, it means it's usually tricky to check whether or not a cat is overly warm, although a cat can also sweat from being stressed, such as when they're at the vet's. Wet patches from the paws will usually be found from where they last were, however, if a cat is feeling the heat, they're more likely to find a shaded area to rest as opposed to continuing their journey.