10. Basically Having An Unavoidable Holiday Inside Terminal One
There are very few people living on the planet who can say in all honesty that they enjoy airports. Aside from those masochistic few, the rest of the species can't wait to get out of there as soon as is humanly possible. For those with a touch of airportphobia (if such a thing exists) perhaps the last airport on the planet they'd want to be is Dubai International Airport, more specifically, Terminal One. To describe Terminal One as "huge" would be an understatement - not only does it feel like the size of a small town, there are queues aplenty to endure before you finally emerge in the baking Dubai sun. A general rule of thumb when landing in Dubai is to assume it'll be a couple of hours before you see daylight again. Perhaps even more essential is to make sure you take advantage of a toilet when you spot one - it might be some time before you see another...