15 Problems Only Roller Derby Girls Will Understand

9. People Not Knowing What It Is

A member of the Shevil Knevils roller derby team stretches before a Brewcity Bruisers bout, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010, in Franklin, Wis. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps) HOLD FOR SHOUN

You probably get asked "so what actually is roller derby?" a lot.

You get it, it's a new sport and part of that means having to explain it, but after twenty times, it's hard not to just feel like you're being unfairly interrogated. 

Especially considering how quickly everyone in the world seem to understand what Quidditch was.

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I love music, especially the North-East local music scene. My obsession of unicorns is getting too much, my collection is growing out of control. I like animals so I don't eat them. Lover of all things vintage and ugly. Oh and i'm one of those ginger people. Twitter/Instagram @beccaBLC