15 Problems Only Roller Derby Girls Will Understand

8. Having No Social Life Apart From Roller Derby

A member of the Shevil Knevils roller derby team stretches before a Brewcity Bruisers bout, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2010, in Franklin, Wis. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps) HOLD FOR SHOUN
Ray Stubblebine/AP

"So do you want to come to my birthday party this weekend?" 

"Sorry, I can't I have a roller derby match". 

Roller derby has taken over your life. 

Even though you love being a roller derby girl, you do sometimes miss being able to have a social life on weekends. But as new nest friends go, there are worse and less rewarding ones than roller derby.

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I love music, especially the North-East local music scene. My obsession of unicorns is getting too much, my collection is growing out of control. I like animals so I don't eat them. Lover of all things vintage and ugly. Oh and i'm one of those ginger people. Twitter/Instagram @beccaBLC