15 Signs You're In An Abusive Relationship With Your Cat

12. Trashing The House With Confidence

You move from the kitchen and decide to sit on the couch and watch some easy Saturday TV, still nursing a fuzzy head. Obviously, you hope that Jude Paw will join you for a bit of together time before the day runs away from you both. As you sit there, on your new furniture no less, Jude Paw sits on the opposite couch and stares at you. Firstly, he shouldn€™t be sat on the furniture - you taught him that since he was a little kitten by saying €˜No€™ in a really scared voice. Paw, however, runs this house and everyone knows you really bought the furniture just for him. €˜Get down€™ you say in the slightly higher pitched voice you always use when talking to him. Paw just sniffs and, while still looking at you, begins to claw it vigorously, claws digging into the fresh new material with both enjoyment and disdain. €˜Stop€™ you shout in the same voice, and the clawing gets faster. You get up and move towards Jude Paw so, while still looking at you, he claws even faster, tearing the fabric apart, before running off up the stairs with a €˜cat laugh€™. The furniture is destroyed, and the cat is laughing at you. Could today get any worse?
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com