15 Signs You're In An Abusive Relationship With Your Cat

10. Sitting On The Keyboard While You Work

There's only one thing for it, you sit down and make an approximation of the email address from memory and begin to type away. This is important., and a whole company account hangs on this; your job and the ability to afford a new couch hangs entirely on this, and even more importantly, the chance to keep Cat Benetar in the things she has become accustomed (catnip, collars, that sort of thing) hangs on this. You type away diligently, knowing your boss would be proud as you throw out those words with three syllables. Then Cat joins you beside the computer, interested in your work. This is nice: you€™re sharing life experiences and in your head you think Cat is proof-reading your work. Wouldn€™t that be nice? Work colleagues. Then she stands up and steps on the keyboard. You try to stop her but she puts her second paw on. Suddenly hundreds of €˜bmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmbmb€™ appear. You panic. "Stop€™!" Cat looks at you like you€™re an idiot, like the email you were about to send was stupid and poorly constructed so, to treat you a lesson, she lies down on the keyboard "accidentally" pressing send on the email, locks the keyboard and sets the screen upside down. Brilliant: you're definitely going to get fired and your couch has a hole in it.
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com