11. Your Boss Is Giving You The Slip
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyc1aMtnHJo You've worked with Joe the Boss for what, four, five years now? You're friends. You know his kids, he's a good guy. Not like the rest of the corporate robot managers around here. Strange how you and he haven't managed to say more than two words to each other in the last two months. You used to go out for after work beers all the time... The problem here is, Joe is avoiding feeling guilty by pretending you don't exist at all. He's just completely cutting you off so that when he has to ruin your life, it's easier on him. Go, friendship! Aside from Joe being a complete and utter phallus, it's another nail in the coffin that was your career at this company. He's cutting ties, just in case he gets the stink of termination on him and it turns out he's next. He has kids to feed, y'know.