15 Strangest Things Found In People's Butts In 2014
3. Air Freshener
The whole sort of buttock region isn't the most appealing in a lot of ways. It's messy, it's often hairy, and most of all it's particularly fragrant. And often not in a manner that's appealing to the nostrils. Did you know the reason poop stinks is an evolutionary thing, to make sure we don't eat it and get all ill? The human body is amazing. Still, for all the leaps and bounds our species have come along across the centuries, we've apparently yet to learn whether or not it's smart to put certain things in our bums. The shampoo bottle was an extreme enough attempt to clean out the thin, but an air freshener? There's some logic to it. But what kind? A Glade plug in? One of those pine tree ones for cars? Which is worse? Let us know in the comments!
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/